In most cases you will no longer be posted a registration certificate. You will not be fined if you leave an expired registration label on your boat. You no longer receive a registration label when you register your boat. PWCs- must be at least 100mm high and on both sides.Boats not capable of planing-at least 75mm high on both sides or the stern.Boats capable of planing-at least 150mm high on both sides.The size of the registration numbers depends on the type of boat: You must display registration numbers so they can be read from 30m away and in a contrasting colour to the hull of the boat. Once registered, you will get registration numbers allocated to your boat.

Email your completed Queensland regulated ship registration application (F3525) to for endorsement, or take the application to a transport and motoring customer service centre or, if you live in a rural area, a QGAP office, Magistrates Court or local police station that provides registration services. If your boat is 15m or more in length (PDF, 55KB)-applications for new registration, transfer of ownership or change of boat details must be endorsed by Maritime Safety Queensland before the registration can be processed by Transport and Main Roads. Third party insurance is not included in the registration cost-you will need to take this cover out with an insurer. payment for registration costs (if applicable)-you may qualify for a registration concession.evidence of your identity (such as a current driver licence).evidence of the boat’s origin (such as a purchase receipt).a completed Queensland regulated ship registration application (F3525).

To register your boat, you must have the following: Register your boat at a transport and motoring customer service centre or, if you live in a rural area, you can visit a QGAP office, Magistrates Court or local police station that provides registration services. Special rules apply for tender registration and boats with interstate or overseas registration. If your boat is not used entirely for private recreation or is not owned by a school, a surf lifesaving club or other community group, you will need to get commercial registration. All boats-including personal watercraft (PWC)-with an engine of 3kW or more must be registered when they are on the water in Queensland.